Thursday, November 02, 2006

More interview tips you need to know...

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7. What Are Your Weaknesses?

Obviously, no one likes to admit that they have any weaknesses, especially in front of a potential employer. So what do you do? You can provide ONE trait about yourself that is the least important to the position and say what you are doing to improve it. Refrain from canned and predictable responses such as you are a perfectionist or a workaholic.

8. Discuss How You Make Important Decisions.

If you are interviewing for a supervisory role, you definitely want to come across as someone who is able to ask for input from others, yet is comfortable making the final decisions. Also, consider the type of position and company. For example, is it a budgetary role at a financial institution? In that case, you probably will want to emphasize that you exercise great care and caution when making big decisions. Give an example to back it up.

9. Where Do You Want to Be Five Years From Now?

Suffice it to say, do not answer this question with, ‘Retired.’ Keep your answers positive and simple, with a touch of ambition. Think along the lines of a ‘motivated’ and ‘excelling’ mentality. You may want to use the phrase ‘taking on more responsibility’ OR ‘making a solid contribution.’

10. What Have Been the Biggest Accomplishments of Your Career so Far?

Focus on accomplishments that directly relate to the open position. Discuss the challenge you were presented with, your actions, and the end result. Did you streamline processes? Devise a way to increase customer satisfaction? Did management recognize you for your efforts? The way you answer this question will distinguish you from other applicants since your answer will require you to go beyond the basic job responsibilities. Smile.

A FINAL NOTE and quote:’ You never have a second chance to make a first impression.’ The interview is more than just showing up on time in the right clothes, it is your best opportunity to convince an employer that he or she should hire you and that you would be a great fit with the organization. For salary questions, know your low to high range and say you are negotiable until offered the position. Research the company thoroughly and know the job posting like the back of your hand. Have questions ready for them and bring your references in case they ask. Be sure you are prepared, because you will feel and look more confident. If you were selected for an interview, consider yourself lucky because you are halfway to the finish line. Way to go and good luck!


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